This agreement sets out the terms applicable between sucalighling.com (“Seller”) and the customer identified below (“Buyer”) where the Buyer purchases products offered by the Seller remotely. By accepting this agreement, the Buyer declares that he/she fully understands and accepts the terms set out.


Selller: sucalighling.com

Address: August-Schneider-Straße, BW, DEUTSCHLAND

Phone: +49 756 8752

E-posta: info@sucalighling.com

Buyer: [Buyer Name]

Adress: [Address Info]

Phone: [Phone Number]

E-Mail: [E-Mail Adress]


This contract shall apply if the Buyer purchases the products offered by the Seller remotely. This contract covers all products offered by the Seller.


The Seller provides the Buyer with a list of specific products. The prices and specifications of the products are set by the Seller and are available on the website. By filling in the order form and making payment, the Buyer declares his/her acceptance of the purchase.

Order and Delivery

The Buyer may order the products offered by the Seller through the website. Once the order process is completed, the Seller will send an e-mail confirming the order. The products will be delivered to the Buyer’s address within the specified delivery time.

Price and Payment

The prices of the Products are the same as the prices stated on the website. The Seller will receive payment for the Products from the Buyer by the methods specified on the payment page. The Products will be sent to the Buyer’s address upon completion of payment.

Cancellation and Refund

The buyer may return the products for any reason within 14 days of receipt. The products to be returned must be in original condition and unused. The Seller will refund the Buyer’s payment within 14 days after receiving the return of the goods.


The Seller guarantees that all goods will be delivered in working order and intact. The Buyer must notify the Seller within 14 days of any defect or malfunction of the delivered products. If the Seller accepts the defect or malfunction of the products, it will repair the products. New products will be sent to replace products that cannot be repaired. The repair or replacement of products covered by the warranty shall be at no additional cost or charge to the Buyer.

This Agreement

Bu sözleşme, Alıcı’nın ürünleri satın aldığı tarihte yürürlüğe girer ve Alıcı ürünleri teslim aldığında sona erer. Bu sözleşmedeki hükümler, tarafların hak ve yükümlülüklerini düzenler. Herhangi bir hükümün geçersiz veya uygulanamaz olduğu hallerde, diğer hükümler etkisini korur.

Dispute Resolution

The courts of Berlin (or nearest to the Buyer’s place of residence) are authorized for the settlement of disputes arising out of this agreement.


The Buyer declares that he/she has read this agreement, understands and accepts all its provisions.